the letters T, M, and J with a model of a human skull

Has your jaw started popping or making weird clicking noises when you eat or yawn? Is it something you should worry about?

There are actually two kinds of jaw popping:

  • The kind that happens when you yawn, and your mouth is open wide. This type of popping occurs when your lower jawbone passes over a ridge in your upper one. It’s a fairly normal occurrence that shouldn’t cause much concern.
  • The second kind of popping is more concerning because it involves disc displacement inside the jaw joint. You hear this type of popping more when you’re chewing or talking. It can be so loud that other people near you hear it, too.

Though there are other, rarer conditions that can cause your jaw to keep popping, in most cases the culprit is temporomandibular disorder, also known as TMJ. Some clicking and popping resolves on its own, but if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort, it’s best to talk to your dentist who can recommend treatment. Kanehl Dental Group specializes in Splint Therapy for TMJ and is a leading provider of the service in Northeast Florida.

What Causes TMJ?

Along with a displaced disc, trauma and dislocation are common causes of TMJ. Grinding your teeth, clenching your jaw, and frequent gum chewing can also bring on the condition, especially if you have misaligned or missing teeth. Symptoms include pain in or around your ears, jaw muscle tenderness, neck and headaches, and difficulty opening and closing your mouth.

It’s not always clear what causes TMJ but there are certain medical conditions that can trigger it including arthritis, injury to the jaw, myofascial pain syndrome, infection of the salivary gland, or sleep apnea.

How to Treat Jaw Popping Caused by TMJ

Some people find relief from TMJ pain by applying ice or heat to the painful area, changing their diet to include softer texture foods, and taking anti-inflammatory medications. Others try stress reduction solutions to lessen jaw clenching. If none of these at-home remedies work, your dentist can help.

Splint Therapy for TMJ

Splints are now a common first-stage treatment for TMJ disorders. Wearing a splint helps your dentist figure out your optimal bite. They can also be used long term to make your best bite permanent. Splint therapy is not always a permanent fix for TMJ pain, though. You might also need to consider special dental work, orthodontics, or even surgery.

At Kanehl Dental, we use splint therapy involving a mouth guard, bite plate, or other type of oral apparatus to help relax your jaw muscles and better angle your mouth’s bite. Another great benefit to splint therapy is it helps keep your teeth from becoming worn down by grinding and clenching.

We’re committed to helping our patients relieve their TMJ distress so they can live happy, pain-free lives. To learn more about splint therapy for TMJ, to discuss other treatment options, or to schedule an oral checkup, contact us today.