Woman holding her cheek trying to alleviate the pain caused by a sudden TMJ flare-up

Temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJs) are one of the most common causes of jaw and facial pain. Each case of TMJ is different, and patients have chronic pain caused by the disorder, while others may only have episodic occurrences of pain called flare-ups. TMJ flare-ups come on suddenly and can significantly impact your quality of life. They are painful and can make everyday activities like eating and speaking much more difficult. While it’s not always clear what causes a TMJ flare-up, the sooner you recognize the signs of one, the sooner you can find solutions that ease and manage the symptoms.

What Causes TMJ Flare-Ups?

TMJ flare-ups can happen at the most inconvenient times and cause sudden pain in your jaw or face. It can also cause stiffness or locking of your jaw muscles. The worst part about TMJ flare-ups is that they can happen at any time, and for some sufferers, they can be so debilitating that it can bring their lives to a screeching halt.

No matter what causes your TMJ flare-up, the results are painful, and symptoms can include headaches, ear pain, and discomfort in your jaw. The good news is that there are ways to decrease the number of episodes, intensity, and duration of TMJ flare-ups you experience and, with proper treatment, avoid them almost altogether.

How Long Do TMJ Flare-Ups Last?

The amount of time a TMJ flare-up lasts varies from person to person. Some people experience discomfort and pain for several days; others only have symptoms for a few hours. 

However long your flare-ups last, with proper diagnosis and treatment, you can often minimize the time you spend dealing with them.

What to Do During a Sudden TMJ Flare-Up

If you want to try and alleviate your TMJ flare-up symptoms at home, these techniques can help.

  1. Relax. It’s not easy to take it easy when you’re in pain, but anxiety can cause your muscles to tighten, which may intensify the pain and worsen symptoms. Try some deep breathing exercises, try focusing on a favorite relaxing place or activity, or, if possible, lie down in a quiet area until your symptoms lessen. Professional physical or massage therapy can also help relieve tension and pain.
  2. Use hot and cold compresses. Hot and cold compresses are an easy way to reduce pain from flare-ups. The heat from a microwaveable heat pack can help your muscles relax and increase circulation. The increase in circulation helps your muscles become more flexible and reduce stiffness. Heat therapy works best if done for a more extended period, so aim for 20-minute sessions if you can. Cold packs work the opposite way of hot compresses, the cold limits the blood flow, which is helpful for inflammation. Cold compresses also reduce nerve activity, causing you to feel less pain. 
  3. Medicate. Medications containing Ibuprofen, like Advil, help to reduce pain and inflammation. Medications like Ibuprofen can be beneficial when you are experiencing a TMJ flair-up.
  4. Identify triggers. Some people have noted that their TMJ flare-ups seem to follow specific patterns. Keeping a journal and writing down what was happening immediately before the flare-up can help you identify if there is a source that is causing your TMJ episode. Were you having an allergy attack? Did something stressful occur? Talking to your doctor about events that may have triggered your TMJ can help you find ways to manage the underlying issue and prevent future flare-ups.
  5. Stay hydrated. Drink plenty of water throughout the day and eat foods with high water content, like cantaloupe and cucumber. You should also avoid excessive caffeine or alcohol, which can cause dehydration and worsen your symptoms.

TMJ Flare-Ups: When to See Your Dentist

If you’re suffering from TMJ flare-ups, it’s essential to speak with your dentist. They can provide you with ways to find relief and help you find ways to reduce flare-up intensity, frequency, and duration. A few professional treatment options include orthodontics, dental surgery,  mouth splints, and mouth guards that relieve jaw pain caused by TMJ.

When you experience TMJ pain, Kanehl Dental is here to help, doing everything in our power to help you reduce and eliminate the symptoms as quickly as possible. Most people who seek treatment for their TMJ flare-ups say it makes a significant difference in their condition and their quality of life. Talk to the TMJ specialists at Kanehl Dental to learn more about the latest therapies and techniques that help relieve your TMJ pain.