should i get dentures

Dealing with missing or failing teeth can be stressful, but a visit to the dentist can be the first step in lessening your anxiety and finding a solution, such as dentures.

Dentures? Yes, they’re not what they used to be. Many people think dentures and picture their grandparents’ unnatural looking teeth soaking in a bedside glass. Today, you have several options to improve your smile and bring back your confidence, and dentures are one of them.

What are Dentures?

Custom-made replacements for missing teeth, dentures can help you eat more comfortably and speak more clearly while improving your appearance and smile. They can be made to closely resemble your natural teeth and though they might feel awkward at first, you can quickly become accustomed to them.

The Types of Dentures Available

There are two basic types of full dentures:

  • Fixed dentures that are held in place by dental implants.
  • Removable full dentures held in place by a dental adhesive, suction, or a combination of the two.

Which option you choose depends on several factors including the current state of your teeth and gums. Your dentist can discuss all your options once you’ve had a full check-up and x-rays.

Traditional Dentures

All dentures are custom made in a laboratory from impressions taken of your mouth. The number of teeth you've lost determines the type of denture your dentist recommends. Conventional full dentures are placed in your mouth after all your teeth are removed and the gum tissue has healed, typically four to six weeks after extraction.

Partial Dentures

If you’re only missing several teeth, a partial denture might be the right choice. Available in removable or fixed versions, partials are made from a metal framework that holds the fake teeth and gums in place. Each option has its advantages and depends on your specific needs.

  • Removable partial dentures can be inserted, removed, and reinserted without dental assistance. They attach to your healthy natural teeth and are easily removed for maintenance and cleaning.
  • Better known as a bridge, fixed partials are permanently attached and supported by either implants or prepared natural teeth.

Implant-Supported Dentures (All-on-4)

One option increasing in popularity is all-on-4 dental implants that look and feel more natural than traditional dentures. People especially love how easy they are to take care of: there are no cleaning solutions or adhesives involved, and they don’t need to be removed. Regular daily maintenance is the same as taking care of your natural teeth.

How to Know if You Need Dentures

It used to be that getting dentures was an inevitable part of aging. Though that’s no longer the case, nearly 40 million Americans do wear dentures for a multitude of reasons. Whether you need dentures is a decision best made with your dentist who can explain why they might or might not be your best option.

Dentures Today

Today, modern technology makes dentures more comfortable and easy to use. At Kanehl Dental, we offer a variety of dental restoration services, including full and partial dentures and all-on-4 implants. We’ll help you decide which teeth replacement method is right for you. Contact us today to book a consultation and learn more.