a person in a holiday sweater eating a cupcake.

For many people, the holidays are their absolute favorite time of the year. While for others, it’s a stressful time when worries about things like gift-buying and overeating make enjoying the season a little more challenging. People with chronic TMJ (temporomandibular joint) discomfort often find their condition flares up or worsens during the holidays. Here’s why that happens and what you can do about it.

Why Does Stress Make TMJ Worse?

There are several issues that can exacerbate your TMJ disorder, and stress is one of them. When your body is under too much pressure, you might:

  • Clench your jaw more frequently and tightly.
  • Grind your teeth while you sleep.
  • Find the muscles in your neck, head, and face tighten more than they usually do.

Any of the above can have side effects on your oral health that includes jaw pain or headaches.

How Do You Treat TMJ Anxiety?

The best solution for finding relief from stress-induced TMJ pain and discomfort is to find ways to reduce your stress. Here’s how to take it easy for your oral health’s sake.

Taking Deep Breaths

Stop whatever you’re doing and take some deep breaths. It really works to relax your mind and body, which lowers stress. A bonus: deep breathing also helps lower blood pressure and reduce generalized anxiety.


Get some exercise and work that stress out. You don’t have to hit the gym or health club to get some stress relief. A nice brisk walk, doing some yoga, or taking the dog for a walk can all do wonders for your stress level. The other health benefits don’t hurt either! There are also specific TMJ discomfort exercises you can try out for relief.

Improving Your Sleep Schedule

Get a good night’s sleep. The holidays can get hectic. Be sure to get enough sleep so your body has a chance to relax and recharge.

Improving Your Diet

You might also want to consider eating a TMJ-friendly diet over the holidays. Processed foods that contain white sugar, white flour, and dairy can cause gum inflammation in some people. And crunchy or hard foods like bread, carrots, and nuts can be tough on your jaw and teeth!

Consult With A TMJ Specialist

The best way to deal with chronic TMJ flare-ups is to ask your dentist about solutions that include finding the underlying cause of your TMJ disorder so it can be treated appropriately. In many cases, the culprit is either a misaligned bite or bruxism (teeth grinding), which can be treated with a mouth guard. Kanehl Dental offers advanced TMJ therapies designed to help relieve your pain and discomfort. To discuss these and other dental treatments we offer, or to schedule an oral checkup, contact us today.

From all of us at Kanehl Dental, we hope you have a wonderful, stress-free holiday season that’s filled with family, friends, laughs, and great memories!