Woman smiling into a mirror looking at her recently placed all-on-4 dental implants

Over the past few decades, dental implants have emerged as the go-to dental solution when you want to replace missing teeth. These simple “same-day” tooth implant procedures offer a more natural look and feel as well as superior patient comfort and are often used as a substitute to traditional dentures. All-on-4 implants have become a popular solution for many patients who need multiple teeth replaced at once. The procedure is similar to a conventional single-tooth implant. Both focus on replacing the root with metal posts drilled into the jaw before a new set of teeth are affixed on top of that. Because of the durability and longevity of dental implants, patients can get a functional and effective treatment to improve their smile.

If you have lost multiple teeth, then dental implants like these might be the best solution for you, but many patients often wonder what the all-on-4 implants actually feel like.

All-on-4 Implants Feel, Look & Function Like Natural Teeth

All-on-4 implants are excellent alternatives to removable dentures. These new implants provide you with an entirely new arch of natural-looking teeth. Because bone grafting often isn’t required, the procedure is far quicker, less painful, and more cost-effective than many implants or restorative dental processes.

All-on-4 dental implants look and act like your natural teeth. Due to their implant-based design, no one can tell you have replacement teeth as opposed to dentures which can have a more obvious profile because they are designed to be removed and reattached using denture creams regularly. Meaning you get to enjoy a new, fully functional set of teeth without having to worry about them sliding out of place, which is a common problem for many people with removable dentures. Compared to traditional dentures, the all-on-4 implants also offer more comfort alongside the convenience of being able to bite and chew normally.

Other benefits of all-on-4 implants include:

  • No food restrictions (after the recovery period)
  • Minimal discomfort and fewer issues than dentures
  • Encouraged jawbone growth
  • Curbed jawbone degradation
  • Simple, same-day procedure

Does the All-On-4 Dental Implant Procedure Cause Discomfort?

Since the procedure is pretty simple compared to similar full arch replacements that require more implant posts, it limits any considerable pain. After the placement, you might experience some swelling and soreness, but with proper aftercare, these issues will subside with time. That said, the success rates for all-on-4 implants are much higher when compared to other conventional techniques. This means you can enjoy a new smile in less than 24 hours. Again, since the procedure doesn’t require bone grafting, it is less invasive and far more well-tolerated for patients than alternative methods.

How Long Does the Pain Last After the All-On-4 Dental Implant?

After the procedure, a patient might experience some soreness and pain for about ten days. Often, your dentist can prescribe pain medication to limit such discomfort. Swelling is another common symptom, but it should subside within 3-5 days in most cases. The best way to manage this pain is to take an over-the-counter pain reliever and follow your doctor’s after-care instructions

How Long Do All-On-4 Implants Take to Heal?

The entire healing process can take anywhere between 6 weeks to six months—this time frame depends largely on the age and overall health of the patient. Due to the softer nature of the upper jawbone, it might take slightly longer for this bone to heal as opposed to lower arch implants.

How Long Should It Take Get Used to the Dental Implant?

After the surgical procedure has been performed, the bone is left to heal and fuse with the implants for about 4-6 months. Before then, your dentist might also provide you with immediate-load implant-supported dentures if you need them.

Tips to Help Your New Set of Teeth Feel Natural

Although these new implants will look and feel like your natural teeth, they can feel a little odd at first. Here’s what to do to help get you accustomed to your new teeth if they are feeling a little strange or foreign:

Practice—if you’re having some difficulty or feel self-conscious speaking naturally with your new implants, practice reading aloud or speaking in front of a mirror to gain more confidence in talking with your new teeth.

Patience—although the implants can be placed in as little as a day, it’s important to bear in mind that as your mouth heals, you’ll continue to notice changes with the fit and function of the implants, which will make them feel more natural to you as time goes on.

Choose a Professional for Your Dental Procedure

Ready to get dental implants? Kanehl Dental has a highly experienced team of dental professionals ready to help you get on your path to a beautiful smile. For consultation or information about the procedure, book an appointment with us today.