dental implants

Teeth are normally one of the first things we notice about a person (and what they first notice about us). If you have dental pain, gaps in your teeth, damaged teeth, or just want to present a more beautiful smile to the world, dental implants can change both your appearance and your life. Here’s how.

Dental Implants Provide Comfort 

Dental implants are more comfortable and secure than conventional dentures, letting you retain more natural biting and chewing capacities. For many people, existing oral health issues make bridges and dentures a less than desirable option. Others simply find them uncomfortable. As long as your gums are healthy, dental implants are a great option for replacing natural teeth.

Dental Implants Offer a Long-Term Solution 

Because they’re the closest thing you can get to real teeth, dental implants offer a more permanent solution than dentures and bridges. They’re simply one of the best restorative treatments for tooth loss when compared to all other dental options. With the right care, the cap or crown attached to the implanted post can last anywhere from 15 to 25 years. Good oral hygiene helps prolong their life.

Dental Implants Can Boost Your Confidence

Many patients tell us their implants have given them the confidence to smile, eat, and engage in social activities without the worry of their dentures slipping or coming loose. Other ways implants are a confidence booster include helping you:

  • Reclaim a healthy smile
  • Keep a younger facial profile
  • Avoid embarrassing speech mishaps

Implants help you lose any timidity you might have about putting your best self forward!

Dental Implants Protect Your Oral Health

One of the greatest advantages to dental implants is that by avoiding the need to cut down adjacent teeth for bridgework, they preserve natural tooth tissue and bone which can result in recession of the jawbone and a collapsed appearance to your smile. Because they reduce the load on your remaining natural teeth and tissue, your jawbone structure is preserved.

Dental Implants Can Improve Your Diet

Conventional dentures make eating certain food a challenge while implants improve your ability to chew and eat. That’s because they’re anchored in the jawbone, just like your natural teeth. Once your dentist lets you know that you’ve passed the “soft food diet” stage during the healing process, you’re free to eat what you want. Some patients even say restricting what they eat while healing has resulted in healthier overall eating habits.

A No-Worries Smile

You no longer have to imagine a life free of worrying about your teeth—it’s easily within your reach. Dental implants can give you a healthy, natural smile while retaining the shape of your face. Only you and your dentist will be able to tell the difference between your implants and the real thing! Your confidence level will rise which means you’ll feel more at ease when interacting with other people.

Ready to learn more about dental implants? Kanehl Dental can help you put your best smile forward! To find out if they’re the right option for you, contact us today to book a consultation with Dr. Kanehl.