
All-on-4 dental implants is a fast-growing treatment option in Jacksonville, ideal for patients that require significant mouth restoration and don't want to revert to dentures or extensive, long-term dental work. Specifically, the process consists of installing bridges of teeth using as little as four implants to do it. The end result is a mouth full of artificial teeth that look, feel and are cared for like the real thing. In fact, the only way someone would know that the teeth are artificial is if you told them they were - that's how natural they look.

However, the dental implant process isn't ideal for everyone, so in order to receive the treatment, it first must be determined that you're a good candidate for it. This post will take a closer look at who the ideal candidates for the process are.

Ideal Candidates for the All-on-4 Implant Process

Are you an ideal candidate for All-on-4? Here's a look at some things to help you determine just that:

You’ve Experience Extensive Tooth Loss:

If you're missing most of - or all of - your teeth, then All-on-4 is an ideal treatment for you, as it is a full-mouth restoration process done in a minimally invasive manner.

You Have Good Jaw Bone Health:

Good bone density is usually confirmed via X-rays during the All-on-4 consultation process. In order for the implants to properly anchor in the jaw bone, it must be healthy enough to support it. Jaw bone health is also important for finding an adequate amount of sites to install the implants.

You’re Tired of Wearing Dentures:

Dentures often slip within the mouth. They also need to be removed and cleaned every night. Lastly, they just don't look or feel like real teeth. Hence, if you're tired of wearing dentures and want artificial teeth that look and feel like the real thing, All-on-4 is an ideal option.

You have Good Overall Health:

 If your overall health is good and you don't have any conditions that impact your immune system, then All-on-4 is likely a treatment for you. Dentists will weigh other factors in the All-on-4 consultation, such as your lifestyle habits. For instance, smoking and heavy drinking aren't ideal for those undergoing the All-on-4 procedure and may be limiting factors when considering for it.

Ask an All-on-4 Dental Implant Expert in Jacksonville

Noting all that we shared above, are you still a good candidate for the All-on-4 procedure? If you're not sure, we can help. As one of the early adopters of the All-on-4 process in the Jacksonville area, we know who is a good candidate for the process.

To learn more about the procedure and restoring your smile, contact Kanehl Dental today.

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